Maintenance Schedule

The system is generally available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year, except during system maintenance periods and technology upgrades which may be performed during the hours of 9pm to 4:30am (Arizona Time) each evening. LawLogix will use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize the use of these reserved maintenance periods and to minimize the duration of maintenance events that cause service interruptions.

During these periods of planned maintenance, users may be notified via an automated status screen that the system is unavailable due to maintenance. Administrators may also receive an email notification in advance of the scheduled maintenance window.

Occasionally, LawLogix may be required to execute emergency maintenance in order to protect the security, performance, availability, or stability of the production environment. Emergency maintenance may include program patching and/or core system maintenance as required. LawLogix will strive to minimize the use of emergency maintenance whenever possible and provide status updates as soon as reasonably practicable.